March 7


  • Memory Verse: Friday
  • Lesson 31 Questions due Wednesday
Language Arts: 
  • 7th: Unit 5 Review, Test on Thursday
  • 8th: Unit 5 Review, Test on Thursday
  • 6th: Unit 4 review, Test on Thursday
  • 5th: p. 180 #1-26, p. 207 #1-15
  • Spelling List 22
  • Handwriting 22
  • Chapter 5, Lesson 2 Worksheet
  • p. 173 #1-15


  1. Ms. Hadley this is Alexis. I finished my ABC report but some are out of order. Is that Ok ?

  2. hi this is Mikayla

  3. Hi this is Alexis. Please send my mom the info for our trip to competition. And do I have to do the front of the first page of the workbook for S.S ?


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