
Showing posts from March, 2017

Wednesday, March 22

Finish Spelling List 23 definitions Complete word key Handwriting 23 due next Wednesday  Chapter 5, Lesson 4 vocabulary and academic words Finish chapter 5 quizzes Chapter 5, Lesson 3 PowerPoint-

Tuesday, March 21

Bible bookmark Language Arts 6th: p. 234 #1-22, p. 265 #1-15 5th: p. 184 #1-20, p. 209 #1-12 Social Studies Workbook- p. 69-72 Textbook: p. 125 #2-3

Monday, March 20

Language Arts: Too Much Salt and Pepper: Read chapter 4-5 and answer questions.  Science Chapter 5 Test on Thursday


Attention Parents, Student-Led Conferences will be on Thursday, March 23 from 1:30-8. I sent the invitation with Sign-Up Genius today (March 15). If you did not get an invite please contact me or follow this link to sign up. Blessings, Mrs. Hadley

March 7

Bible Memory Verse: Friday Lesson 31 Questions due Wednesday Language Arts:  7th: Unit 5 Review, Test on Thursday 8th: Unit 5 Review, Test on Thursday 6th: Unit 4 review, Test on Thursday 5th: p. 180 #1-26, p. 207 #1-15 Spelling List 22 Handwriting 22 Science: Chapter 5, Lesson 2 Worksheet p. 173 #1-15